After 700 years the stock brewery is the last representative of the Kaufbeurer Biertradition.
Already in the Middle Ages Kaufbeuren was a center full of life and activity. Henry the Twinger, at that time a citizen of Buron, wrote with his decree the official year of birth of the Kaufbeurer Biertradition.
This was 1308. Since then there have been numerous testimonies for the long tradition of the brewing industry in Kaufbeuren. Til today. More than 700 years later. But it is a brewery that stands in the “spotlight” of this bridal tradition:
The stock brewery Kaufbeuren. Since the Middle Ages it existed as a brewery “Zur Goldenen Traube”, in the second half of the 19th century it was the most important brewery in the city and since 1799 owned by the Walch family. As early as 1807, the Bierkeller was built on the site of the former Tänzelhölzchen on the Afraberg. On March 17, 1885, the company was transformed into a stock company – one of the first in Bavaria.