The first batch of beer was made in the Lindberg household in 1981 and
involved both Brian and Barbara. Brian made the beer and Barbara tolerated it.
The first two batches weren’t anything to brag about.
Several years went by without trying another batch until the craft beer industry
started taking hold in America.
We started with five gallon batches, then went to fifteen gallon batches, doing
one to two batches a day. We also started thinking about finding a building
that we could take this hobby to and get the equipment we had accumulated
out of the garage.
In 2012, we moved to Skean’s Block, on the north side of the historic Albia
square, which was built in 1889 by Elmer Skean and first served as a grocery
store on one side and a boot store on the other. The whole building was
remodeled in 1996, as part of the Bates Foundation.
We feel like this is more Albia’s business than our own. We are watching
over the building and enjoying our hobby of making hand-crafted beers.
We want you to feel at home when you arrive and like you are stepping back in
time. Ask us about the photos of Albia on the walls, as well as our ancestors.